It has been interesting to click around and read some of my classmates’ blogs. I’ll be honest and say that up until the point where we received the class blog list, writing these babies felt kind of tedious. It just felt like we were posting them and nobody was seeing them because there was no real sense of feedback. But with the unveiling of the blog list, this feels like more of a community, nay, a fellowship, and I may sound nerdy here, but it is kind of exciting knowing that there is indeed an audience of people out there that might read what you write.
That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the posts I read. The one thread I see with all of the blogs I read was the fact we all seem to have a greater awareness of American Indian struggles and culture. Andrea noticed the negative American Indian stereotypes at play in the movies she rented while Rob learned from other blogs that there are fantasy fiction novels written by American Indians. These are little things that I think might have slid under our radar if we were not currently involved in this course. I also found it interesting how Ryan G looked at our recent election from the perspective of American Indians while John Trudell made Jennifer question why a person would ever feel entitled to purchase a star. Like I mentioned before, reading these posts has only increased the level of awareness and critical thinking I try to carry while viewing the world. I look forward to reading more of your posts and hope I’m not the only one enjoying these blogging adventures.
I prefer Geek, but I digress. The way to growth and positive change is through dialog. It is what makes this information age so amazing. The fact that we can discuss things like this freely without making it onto a government watch list is wonderful. May our fellowship of flowing ideas live on!!!